Desiree Holt is Hunting for her Obsession...

We are thrilled to have the amazing Desiree Holt here to day telling us all about her obsession..

Take it away...
Obsession—It’s a Wonderful Thing

My children love to tell me I obsess about everything but that’s not exactly right. Oh, well, maybe to some degree. I obsess about pizza and Chinese food. I obsess about my daily treadmill walk (not!). I obsess about happy endings—don’t tell anyone but I read the last chapter of a book first. But the thing I obsess about the most is a movie. Yup, a movie that’s at least 20 years old—The Hunt For Red October.

Strange genre for a romance writer, I know. But I’m a huge Tom Clancy fan ( even if he did give new meaning to the word backstory.) I love the book when it came out and when they released the movie I sat through three showings in one afternoon and evening. One of he reasons is because it is totally faithful to the book, unlike most of the adaptations we see. And who doesn’t love Sean Connery in a clipped beard laying a Russian with his Scottish accent. Yum!

I have the movie on DVD, audio tapes, print and ebook. Oh, and also on my DVR. When there’s nothing to watch on television, guess that I crank up. And just to reinforce it, the ring tone on my cell for calls is The Theme From The Hunt For Red October. So yeah, it’s definitely my off-the-charts obsession.

One last note. I also obsess about the Wild Wicked Weekend, cuz we want to make it superspectacular for our attendees. Hope to see you there.~Desiree Holt
To Learn more about Desiree check out her website
Bang the Drummer, Finding Julia, Five Alarm Alphas, Naked Desire
and coming soon
Three of a Kind, Knockin’ Boots



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